The Guillermo Vasquez Independent Democratic Club of Queens held its second annual awards dinner on Wednesday, November 12 at Shaheen Restaurant in Jackson Heights. The Vasquez Club honored Councilmember Hiram Monserrate (D-Corona); Michael Adams, director of education and public affairs at Lambda Legal; transgender activist and SAGE/Queens member Tina Donovan; and and Luis A. Robles, president of the Puerto Rican Initiative to Develop Empowerment (PRIDE). From left to right: GVIDCQ president Phil Velez, Assemblymember Catherine Nolan (D-37th), Councilmember Hiram Monserrate (D-21st), Assemblymember Jose Peralta (D-39th), GVIDCQ vice-president Jimmy Van Bramer, GVIDCQ vice-president Pauline Park.
GVIDCQ holds 2nd awards dinner